it came into common use after the meiji period . 明治以降一般化した。
now , the most common use of copper , zinc and plastic is in a plumbing pipe . 銅、亜鉛、プラスチックの 配管パイプかも
it came into common use later . 後に一般化。
souhatsu: this hairstyle started in the old ages but came into common use at the end of the edo period . 総髪(そうはつ):古くから存在したが幕末期に一般に流行。
misasagi station was moved westward approximately 300 meters and became the underground station for common use with the kyoto municipal subway tozai line . 御陵駅を西へ約300m移設し、京都市営地下鉄東西線との共同駅として地下化。